Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ame, ame, go away....

Monday, August 10, 2009- 9:45 AM
It’s now been raining for the past two days- large parts of my prefecture are covered in water, and it looks like about half of the teachers weren't able to make it into the office of my base school (Awa-chou middle school) today. Thankfully, I was able to make it in my little car, though I was seriously scared that the two feet of water I had to go through getting out of the parking lot would flood its engine. The road is apparently flooded farther to the east (towards the rest of Awa city) of me, and some of the teachers were surprised I was able to make it in. It helps that I live within a quarter mile of the school. Though we didn't feel the apparently 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck off of Japan's East coast yesterday evening, these two days of rain have been incredible- they must be due to the monster taiphoon that's just slammed Taiwan and China. Hopefully things will clear up by the time we dance in the Awa odori dance festival in Tokushima city on Thursday/Friday...

1 comment:

  1. Another reason that it is raining so much is that it is the rainy season in Japan...
